
We look forward to your visit to our exhibition stands.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about vitOrgan therapies and offer you attractive trade fair prices for the products of our subsidiaries Regena Ney® and Innovapharm®.

Our online seminars provide you with in-depth insights into the basics of biomolecular vitOrgan therapy (BvT) and many other interesting topics.
Thanks to the included e-learning part, you can start the ALLERGOSTOP® training at any time. After successful completion, you can take part in the e-learning live session. Here, the knowledge you have already learned is intensified and exceptional cases are discussed.

With the included e-learning part, you can start your vitOrgan therapy training at any time.
After successful completion, you can take part in the e-learning live session.
Here, the knowledge you have already learned is intensified and exceptional cases are discussed.

(To follow shortly)



The vitOrgan events target physicians, vets, alternative practitioners, veterinary practitioners, pharmacists, physiotherapists, and HP/THP candidates. Experienced therapists as well as beginners and those returning to therapy can take part in the events.

Events and webinars

In addition to our wide range of products, we offer you an equally diverse range of training courses. Our training courses are intended for professionals and include the human and veterinary sectors. Avail yourself of our range of training courses to deepen your knowledge and improve your skills. We target experienced therapists as well as beginners and those returning to therapy. 

Training – no matter when – no matter where!

We rely on a combination of digital content and live events to give you the opportunity to get to know vitOrgan preparations and therapies flexibly and yet fully in your everyday practice.

vitOrgan e-learning platform

On vitOrgan E-Learning you will find free online training courses for the human and veterinary sector. These courses provide the ideal basis for expanding your knowledge in a specific subject area.

Two modules, ALLERGOSTOP® and Biomolecular vitOrgan Therapy (BvT), are available for more intensive training. Thanks to the included e-learning part, you can start the training at any time. After successful completion, you can take part in the e-learning live session. Here, the knowledge you have already learned is intensified, exceptional cases are discussed, and you have the opportunity to ask questions.
  1. The ALLERGOSTOP® module: In this module, we review the most important allergy basics. We need these to understand the correct application of ALLERGOSTOP®. We also look at the background to the therapy, focus on the methods of allergy treatment that are currently being practiced, and take a detailed look at the production and application of ALLERGOSTOP® for your practice. To share further information with you, there are regular e-learning live events. These are intended for experienced users and those who have already completed our e-learning section on ALERGOSTOP®. Here we start with topics such as multiple allergies and exceptional cases.
  2. The BvT module: This module shows the versatility of Biomolecular vitOrgan therapy (BvT) for human and veterinary use. We go on a short journey through time to the beginnings of the use of organ extracts in medicine, and show you what makes our BvT unique today. We will look at the various therapeutic approaches and our wide range of products and complementary treatment options. If you would like to delve deeper into BvT, we offer regular live e-learning sessions. Here, specific areas of application are covered and discussed in even greater detail.

Find events

vitOrgan congress calendar 2024

We are also present for you at trade fairs and congresses.
You will find us at selected events throughout Germany.
Visit our stand, find out about vitOrgan therapy directly from our colleagues on site and benefit from attractive trade fair prices for products from our subsidiaries Regena Ney® and Innovapharm®.


Trade fair



Leipzig TÄ-Congress

18.01.2024 (Thu) - 20.01.2024 (Sat)



Trade fair



29th Dortmund NHK Day

23.02.2024 (Fri) - 24.02.2024 (Sat)



29.02.2024 (Thu) - 03.03.2024 (Sun)



Trade fair



ZAEN Congress

06.03.2024 (Wed) - 10.03.2024 (Sun)



16.03.2024 (Sat) - 17.03.2024 (Sun)


UDH Congress Fellbach

16.03.2024 (Sat) - 17.03.2024 (Sun)



Trade fair




05.04.2024 (Fri) - 07.04.2024 (Sun)


Congress of alternative practitioners

06.04.2024 (Sat) - 07.04.2024 (Sun)


Warnemünde Days for Compl. Medicine

12.04.2024 (Fri) - 13.04.2024 (Sat)



Trade fair



THP Days

28.06.2024 (Fri) - 30.06.2024 (Sun)



Trade fair



Congress of the South

06.07.2024 (Sat) - 06.07.2024 (Sat)



Trade fair



48th German NHK Day VDH

14.09.2024 (Sat) - 14.09.2024 (Sat)


VET Austria

21.09.2024 (Sat) - 22.09.2024 (Sun)


ZAEN Freudenstadt

21.09.2024 (Sat) - 22.09.2024 (Sun)



Trade fair



Vienna Forum NT and FMD

04.10.2024 (Fri) - 06.10.2024 (Sun)


DVG VET Congress

30.10.2024 (Wed) - 02.11.2024 (Sat)


Medical week

30.10.2024 (Wed) - 03.11.2024 (Sun)



Trade fair



bpt Congress

15.10.2024 (Fri) - 06.11.2024 (Sat)


NHK Conference Autumn

16.11.2024 (Sat) - 17.11.2024 (Sun)


Registrierung für die vitOrgan
E-Learning Plattform

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    Bestätigung Fachkreis: Ich kenne das Heilmittelwerbegesetz (HWG) und bestätige, dass ich den Fachkreisen angehöre. Fachkreise im Sinne dieses Gesetzes sind Angehörige der Heilberufe oder des Heilgewerbes, Einrichtungen, die der Gesundheit von Mensch oder Tier dienen, oder sonstige Personen, soweit sie mit Arzneimitteln, Medizinprodukten, Verfahren, Behandlungen, Gegenständen oder anderen Mitteln erlaubterweise Handel treiben oder sie in Ausübung ihres Berufes anwenden (§ 2 HWG). In Bezug auf die Richtigkeit der von Ihnen gemachten Angaben zu Ihrem Beruf gilt Ihre Anmeldung als rechtsverbindliche Zusicherung gegenüber der Firma vitOrgan.

    Datenschutz: Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass diese Daten zur Bearbeitung meiner Anfrage gespeichert werden. Ich kann diese Einwilligung jederzeit per E-Mail an oder postalisch an die u.a. Anschrift widerrufen. Siehe hierzu auch unsere Datenschutzerklärung unter

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    Registration for the vitOrgan
    e-learning platform

    Please fill out the form.
    After checking, you will receive the access data for the e-learning platform by email.

      Bestätigung Fachkreis: Ich kenne das Heilmittelwerbegesetz (HWG) und bestätige, dass ich den Fachkreisen angehöre. Fachkreise im Sinne dieses Gesetzes sind Angehörige der Heilberufe oder des Heilgewerbes, Einrichtungen, die der Gesundheit von Mensch oder Tier dienen, oder sonstige Personen, soweit sie mit Arzneimitteln, Medizinprodukten, Verfahren, Behandlungen, Gegenständen oder anderen Mitteln erlaubterweise Handel treiben oder sie in Ausübung ihres Berufes anwenden (§ 2 HWG). In Bezug auf die Richtigkeit der von Ihnen gemachten Angaben zu Ihrem Beruf gilt Ihre Anmeldung als rechtsverbindliche Zusicherung gegenüber der Firma vitOrgan.

      Datenschutz: Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass diese Daten zur Bearbeitung meiner Anfrage gespeichert werden. Ich kann diese Einwilligung jederzeit per E-Mail an oder postalisch an die u.a. Anschrift widerrufen. Siehe hierzu auch unsere Datenschutzerklärung unter

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      Allergie & Heuschnupfen (Human)

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