Media center & library / Current publications
Current publications
Over the years, countless specialist articles have been published that are still of interest to therapists.
As many of these journals are now out of print, we have collected them individually for you electronically and are now making them available for download as PDF files.
Aichinger: Blühende Wiesen - glückliche Menschen, 2012, in: Der freie Arzt.
HJH: Caught cold by winter allergies, 2018, in Praxis Magazin.
Mohr: Well-tried and reissued - a special kind of autologous blood treatment, 2017, in: Die Naturheilkunde.
n.d.: Allergostop, 2015, in: Deutsche Heilpraktikerzeitung.
n.d.: Allergostop, 2015, in: German Journal of Oncology.
Schwarz: Allergy treatment - biomolecular therapy finds its way into ENT practices, 2016, in: Praxis Magazin.
Schwarz: Allergies on the rise - Autologous blood processing for allergy treatment, 2016, in:
Schwarz: Allergies on the rise, 2016, in:
Schwarz: Allergostop is increasingly being used - also in ENT practices, 2016, in: Naturheilpraxis.
Schwarz: ALLERGOSTOP puts an end to hay fever, 2016, in:
Schwarz: An autologous blood preparation for allergy treatment, 2016, in: PraxisMagazin.
Schwarz: Counter-sensitization supports allergy treatment, 2016, in: DHZ.
Schwarz: Hay fever - counter-sensitization according to Theurer, 2016, in Praxis Magazin.
Autoimmune diseases
Aichinger: Lifelong renunciation: A spirit of optimism for coeliac disease patients, 2012, in: Report Naturheilkunde.
Aichinger; Rheumatology clinic must fit - personal initiative required, 2012, in Kompendium Rheumatologie.
Aichinger; Rheumatology clinic must fit - personal initiative required, 2012, in Kompendium Rheumatologie.
Heinl: Allergostop - help with neurodermatitis, 2016, in: Naturheilpraxis.
Heintze: Holistic therapy of multiple sclerosis, 2018, in: Naturheilkunde Journal.
Ruhland: Neurodermatitis, 2017, in: Praxis Magazin.
Ruhland: Two-stage treatment of autoimmune diseases, 2017, in: Praxis Magazin.
Schwarz: Neurodermatitis - counter-sensitization according to Theurer, 2016, in: Praxis Magazin.
Musculoskeletal system
Aichinger: Recognition judgment for biomolecular preparations for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, 2012, in: Der Heilpraktiker.
Aichinger: The joints - our companions in destiny!, 2011, in: OM & Ernährung.
Borchert: Mit Injektionen gegen Wirbelsäulen- und Gelenkleiden, 2013, in
Heinl: Biomolecular therapy for mouse elbow and tennis elbow, 2016, in: Erfahrungsheilkunde.
Heinl: Mouse elbow and tennis elbow - biomolecular therapy is promising, 2016, in:
Karbach: Arthrosis - with homeopathy against the symptoms, 2013, in: Arzt & Wirtschaft.
Kasprzak, Klümper: Gelenkverschleiß aus sportmedizinischer Sicht, 2013, in: Zaenmagazin.
Kasprzak, Klümper; Pain syndromes of the musculoskeletal system of the arm, 2015, in:
Kemmling: Strong bones and healthy joints, 2018, in: Die Naturheilkunde.
o.A.: Biomolecular therapy option for joint complaints, 2017, in: Praxis Magazin.
Ruhland: Regulating inflammation and degeneration symptoms with cell extracts, 2017, in: PraxisMagazin.
Sommer: Biomolecular therapy option for joint complaints, 2017, in: Ärztliches Journal.
Aichinger: Chronic sinusitis - no minor matter!, 2016, in: Naturheilkunde.
Aichinger: Successful measures against cold pathogens, 2011, in: Report Naturheilkunde.
Aichinger; Schach den Erkältungserregern, 2012, in: HPNDFA.
Aichinger: Disturbing silence - nightmare tinnitus, 2012, in: Naturheilpraxis.
Hecht: Natural bacteria instead of antibiotics for respiratory diseases, 2018, in: Naturheilkunde Journal.
Schwarz: Biomolecular therapy finds its way into ENT practices, 2016, in: PraxisMagazin.
Aichinger: ADD children need our attention, 2014, in: Naturheilkunde.
Aichinger: Naturopathy helps with stress, anxiety and depression, 2012, in Report Naturheilkunde.
Aichinger: Problem dementia - lifelong learning it's never too late for memory training, 2013, in Report Naturheilkunde.
Engel: Exam anxiety, self-doubt and lack of motivation, 2016, in: Praxis Magazin.
Kohn: Adrenal balance, 2015, in:
n.d.: Postoperative transit syndrome, 2012, in: German Journal of Oncology.
o.A.: Gentle support for depressive moods, 2013, in: Zeitschrift für Orthomolekulare Medizin.
n.d.: Two-stage treatment of AIK with ALLERGOSTOP and NeyNormin No. 65, 2017, in: Natur-Heilkunde.
Ruhland: Stress - first aid with innovative Bach flower drops, 2017, in: Praxis Magazin.
Aichinger: Trapped in your own body - the locked-in syndrome, 2012, in Natur-Heilkunde Journal.
Aichinger: Abandoned children - Orphan victims are often punished twice, 2013, in HPNDFA.
Aichinger: The Arndt-Schulz Act, 2012, in
Heinl: Biological cell regeneration with vitOrgan, 2015, in:
Mohr: Acid-base balance concepts in biological medicine, 2017, in:
Ruhland: Biomolecular therapy in dentistry, 2017, in: Praxis Magazin.
Ruhland: Full vision into old age, 2017, in: PraxisMagazin.
Scheibel: Organ heals organ, 2018, in: DHZ.
Vey: Using powerful bio-synergies in oncology, 2014, in: Naturheilkunde.
o.A.: Dental health: Organotrophic active ingredients for cell regeneration, 2018, in: PraxisMagazin.
Veterinary medicine
Aichinger: Herzenssache Hund - Neue Kraft und Vitalität für ältere Haustiere, 2011, in: Animal Health.
Apfel: Cardiac cough hypertrophy of the heart, 2017, in: Tierärztezeitung.
Bauch: Organotherapy in veterinary medicine, 2013, in: Deutsches Tierärzteblatt.
Heinl: Allergic sweet itch, 2016, in: Pferdespiegel.
Heinl: Asthma in cats, 2016, in: Tierhomöopathie.
Heinl: Biomolecular therapy in veterinary medicine - success in osteoarthritis, 2016, in: Tierhomöopathie.
Heinl: The allergic summer eczema, 2016, in: Tierhomöopathie.
Hohmann: Die Katze leckt sich am Bauch kahl, 2017, in: Zeitschrift für ganzheitl Tiermedizin.
Kübler: Possible applications of organotherapy in geriatric small animal patients, 2015, in: kleintier.konkret.
n.d.: Success with osteoarthritis in Labrador mixes, 2016, in: Der praktische Tierarzt.
o.A.: Every fifth dog suffers from an allergy, 2018, in: Tierhomöopathie.