the power of the

Bridging the gap between conventional medicine and naturopathy

“Awaken the power of cells” – under this motto, vitOrgan has been producing biomolecular medicines for humans and animals, high-quality food supplements and cosmetics since 1954.

We are the world’s leading provider of third-generation organ preparations and have made innovative advances in organ therapy. We are dedicated to a fascinating medical approach with the intention of restoring organs and organ functions through targeted stimulation and regulation of metabolic and functional processes in the cells of the affected organs. We do not use fresh cells (first-generation organ preparations) nor the complete cell content (second-generation organ preparations). We use only specific cell plasma components for our unique organ preparations, which contain the actual effective factors for optimal cell function and regeneration, thereby avoiding side effects. This makes it possible to activate the maximum available metabolic capacity of the cells. The result is not only an increase in performance, but also an extension of the cells’ lifespan up to the genetic limit.

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